Mesh Member List

This is the complete list of members for Mesh, including all inherited members.

clear(int newVertices, int newTriangles)Mesh
copy(const Mesh &m)Mesh
DisplacementFunc typedefMesh
get1Neighbourhood(int ver, int &valence, bool &boundary, int &left, int &right) const Mesh
get1NeighbourhoodPolygons(int ver) const Mesh
getBoundingBoxMax() const Mesh [inline]
getBoundingBoxMin() const Mesh [inline]
getBoundingRadius() const Mesh [inline]
getEdge(int i)Mesh [inline]
getEdgeCount() const Mesh [inline]
getEdges()Mesh [inline]
getSurface(int i)Mesh [inline]
getSurfaceCount() const Mesh [inline]
getSurfaces()Mesh [inline]
getTriangle(int i)Mesh [inline]
getTriangleCount() const Mesh [inline]
getTriangles()Mesh [inline]
getVertex(int i)Mesh [inline]
getVertexCount() const Mesh [inline]
getVertices()Mesh [inline]
interpolateTangents(float stddev)Mesh
load(const char *fileName)Mesh
loadLW5()Mesh [protected]
loadLW6()Mesh [protected]
m_adjacencyCalculatedMesh [protected]
m_ambiguousNeighboursMesh [protected]
m_boundingBoxMaxMesh [protected]
m_boundingBoxMinMesh [protected]
m_boundingRadiusMesh [protected]
m_edgesMesh [protected]
m_fileendMesh [protected, static]
m_filenameMesh [protected]
m_fileptrMesh [protected, static]
m_nextchunkptrMesh [protected, static]
m_nextsubchunkptrMesh [protected, static]
m_readptrMesh [protected, static]
m_surfacesMesh [protected]
m_trianglesMesh [protected]
m_verticesMesh [protected]
m_writeptrMesh [protected, static]
Mesh(int vertices, int triangles)Mesh
Mesh(const char *fileName)Mesh
Mesh(const Mesh &m)Mesh
readCOL12()Mesh [protected]
readF4()Mesh [protected]
readI1()Mesh [protected]
readI2()Mesh [protected]
readI4()Mesh [protected]
readID4()Mesh [protected]
readS0()Mesh [protected]
readU1()Mesh [protected]
readU2()Mesh [protected]
readU4()Mesh [protected]
readVEC12()Mesh [protected]
readVX()Mesh [protected]
save(const char *fileName)Mesh
saveLW6()Mesh [protected]
silhouette(std::vector< int > &lines, const Matrix4x3 &objectToWorldMatrix, const Vector3 &cameraInWorld)Mesh
subdivide(int n, DisplacementFunc *displacement=NULL)Mesh
writeCOL12(const Vector3 &c)Mesh [protected]
writeF4(float f)Mesh [protected]
writeI1(signed char i)Mesh [protected]
writeI2(signed short i)Mesh [protected]
writeI4(int i)Mesh [protected]
writeID4(unsigned int i)Mesh [protected]
writeS0(const char *s)Mesh [protected]
writeU1(unsigned char i)Mesh [protected]
writeU2(unsigned short i)Mesh [protected]
writeU4(unsigned int i)Mesh [protected]
writeVEC12(const Vector3 &v)Mesh [protected]
writeVX(unsigned int v)Mesh [protected]

Generated on Mon Mar 12 21:09:19 2007 for VEE - The Visual Effects Engine by  doxygen 1.4.6